lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

Cola-Cao cake


-200g FLOUR
-150g SUGAR
-150g BUTTER
-200g COLA CAO
-4 eggs
-150ml milk

Resultado de imagen de pastis colacaoWRITE THE INSTRUCTIONS:

Turn on a 170ºc,mix in the bowl eggs,sugar,and butter and mix.
Add the milk keep on, add the flour,yeas and cola cao and mix.
Fill the cake pan Put the oven to 170ºc for 60 min.
Remove the cake from the oven and let it rest on a rack until completely cooled

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

My name's Jan and I'm twelve. I'm from Balaguer in Catalonia. I live in a flat wilh my mum, dad and sister. In my free time I do lots of things, for example, I play football and draw pictures. I'm alsu crazy abaut sports. monday thuesday and thusday.....